The knowledge I gained from today’s lecture was a continuation of the previous lecture. The new term introduced today was “underdetermination”. I never even knew such a word existed until I heard that it is actually a legit word which I never knew of. Situations where the evidence available is insufficient to identify which belief we should hold about the evidence is known as underdetermination. Underdetermination also occurs when the phenomenon by which there are at least two different or alternative theories that fit the same data set.
Today’s lecture contained a lot of information which I found hard to process including the meaning of this new term that was introduced. Even with the various activities attempted and the readings provided, I still find it hard to understand the term “underdetermination”. It will take time and effort to understand this term and it relation to science but it isn't impossible if I persevere and put extra effort to understand it through various materials provided by my lecturer and online sources as well.
In my opinion, as a future educator, I intend to practice the use of terms such as underdetermination and confirmation during my science lessons to familiarise my students with these terms and how they are related to science and scientific theories. This will help my students in their future learning processes as these words would not be foreign to them when they hear it but rather they thoroughly understand how and when to use it in science.
An informative video on underdetermination that we watched
during today's lecture
An article on Underdetermination (Intrinsic and Non-intrinsic)